Hi! I’m Mahla. And that cute guy standing beside me? That’s my super duper awesome husband, Dawson! Not pictured are our two cats- Arkham & Juice, sweet pup- Stella, and our newest addition born in May of 2024- Oakley. I am a certified occupational therapy assistant with a passion for caring for others and ensuring individuals maintain a quality of life despite sickness, diagnoses, or situation. Hence the “COTA/L” credentials behind my name that I use from time-to-time.
Remember our newest addition born in May of 2024 I just mentioned? Well I have stepped into this new journey of motherhood and being a stay-at-home mom with lots of prayers and support. I am LOVING it! Along with all the baby snuggles and playtime, I get to do some crafting to setup at festivals and BLOG! I don’t claim to be a professional, but I do love writing and sharing with others. So without further ado…. Coffee Stained Life!
Why COFFEE? Because have you ever tried it?!?! I am a coffee addict. And some of the best conversations happen over a cup of coffee. I wanted to create a space that felt relaxed, welcoming, and honest. A space where what you read could very well be a conversation we would have sitting on the porch drinking a yummy latte.
My goal is not to be another influencer, gain popularity, or be just another blogger in this very digital world. My goal is to be REAL. To be helpful to those who might need it. To share life (even through a screen) with others. To make a difference. I remember and am still always on the search for other friends, moms, and spiritual mentors for life advice, first-time mom questions, and recommendations. But sometimes it can be hard to find a “life buddy”. It can feel lonely. This blog is my outlet to share what’s on my mind, offer some help to anyone who might need it, be a support to other moms, and be your “life buddy”.
Let’s connect!